Global Geography 12 (GGS12)

Introduction to Global Geography and the World
Course Outline
Introduction to Global Geography and the World
The "Mega City"
Our Planet at Risk
Global Resources
The Four Laws Of Ecology
Map of the World
Gaia Hyphothesis
Global Warming
Global Trade
Tell Us

The Global Geography text book "Global Connections, Geography for the 21st Century" defines geography "as the study of the physical and human environments of the world and the way in which these environments interact with each other." It also says that the word geography "comes from two Greek words, ge, which means "earth", and graphia, which means "writings."

As you navigate through this site, you will begin to explore the finer details of this world, and how it has come to be. Estimates for the future, and flashbacks of the past will educate you on the demographics, economy, foods, and much more. This site will guide you around the Global Geography 12 course.

There are 6 Fundamental Concepts to study Geography.

Location:There are two types of location. Specific (I.e: Lunenburg or 55 degrees North and 44 degrees West) and General (I.e: Approximately 8 miles south of St.John).

Region:Usually used to group data. Some regions arent based on only physical features, but cultural features too.

Spatial Pattern: Is a particular event returning in different places.

Spatial Interaction: Means that an event in one location can lead to change in another location or region.

Human/Environmental Interaction: The impact humans have on the enviroment.

Culture: Country and region customs and world view of particular people. Some people are religious, some arent. Some cultures eat certain foods.

All definitions and most pictures were taken from the Global Connections, Geography for the 21st century textbook

Quote taken from

Created for Mrs.Bainbridge, By Emily Morash